Our services
Click on image for more information about each service.
We can help you recover from any sports injury. Whether it is due to overuse, tendinitis, or trauma.
We also can help you avoid compensation due to muscle weakness and help with strengthening to prevent future injuries.
Sports Injuries
Dry Needling targets muscular/myofascial trigger points (“knots”). By releasing or deactivating trigger points through an acupuncture needle, we can alleviate pain, improve range of motion, and normalize muscle function.
Dry Needling
Strengthening your core can help with balance, injury prevention, and stabilization of your spine and muscles. We utilize a variety of techniques, including Pilates to help you strengthen your core.
Core strengthening
The McKenzie Method is an internationally researched system of assessment and management for spinal and extremity musculoskeletal disorders.
This technique uses repetitive movements of the spine and extremities to assess your symptoms and improve pain free mobility
The McKenzie Method
Post-operation recovery is important to get your body back to optimal strength, mobility and function. We will develop an individualized plan to help you recover as quickly as possible. We will work to restore function in your joints and help prevent future injuries
Post Operation Rehabilitation
Chronic pain can take over your life. We utilize a holistic approach to address your chronic pain. This approach focuses on strengthening exercises, manual therapy, and other innovative techniques to help you relieve your pain.
Physical Therapy for Chronic Pain
You movement is examined by looking at your strength, mobility and flexibility of your running and gait mechanics.
Compensatory movement patterns are then identified allowing us to best treat your running or gait issues.
Running & Gait Analysis
We utilize a scientific approach to treat most orthopedic conditions including: shoulder pain, knee pain, neck pain, back pain, foot/ankle pain, groin pain, hip pain, sports hernia, pelvic pain, elbow pain, wrist pain, hand pain
Orthopedic Injuries and pain
Your pain or injuries may be rooted in your posture or work environment. We will examine your posture or work environment and provide you with the education and recommendations to help address your pain
Postural & Ergonomic Assessment